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Portrait Commission Pricing

  • 25% discount for each additional figure
  • Pricing flexibility for portraits with more than 4 individuals


  • 25% discount for each additional figure
  • Pricing flexibility for portraits with more than 4 individuals


*Travel, lodging, shipping, and framing costs are additional (as is sales tax, if applicable).

View Wilson’s Portrait Portfolio

Portraiture Schedule (Photo-Based)

INITIAL MEETING AND PHOTO SESSIONSpeak with client and get to know their character. Discuss the image that the client wishes to convey. Any adjustments to the rest of the schedule can be discussed during this time. Afterwards, a photo session is held.

Time Involved: 1–2 hours
SECOND MEETINGApprove photographs and take supplementary stills if needed.

Time Involved: 1–2 hours
HEAD STUDYThe client poses in-person for a color study.

Time Involved: 1–3 hours
COMPOSITIONAL STUDY If the portrait is a ¾ figure or full figure, I will create a compositional study of the final portrait. This will be presented to and approved by the client.

Time Involved: Varies depending on portrait
PAINTING OF THE PORTRAITAll approved information (notes, sketches, photos) are taken to my studio, where the portrait is executed. A photograph of the completed portrait will be sent digitally by e-mail or presented in-person, dependent on distance.

Time Involved: Varies according to my work schedule at the time and the client’s needs.
FINAL MEETINGThe portrait is presented to the client in-person. Adjustments of any subtle details, if necessary, are noted and resolved.

Time Involved: Dependent on client

Portraiture Schedule (Live Sitting)

The procedure for a portrait executed from life would be approached similarly to the above, with the addition of live sittings.

For example, a head-and-shoulders portrait would require a minimum of 5 sittings at 2 hours each session. Time requirements for more complex portraits would be addressed against the client’s needs.

These sittings can be held in my studio or a client’s home.